News EIM

In the 40th episode of the "All Day Research" podcast, Dr. Jana Seep from the Computer Science Office talks to Carina Sivakumar and Josephine Mönnich about starting to study computer science at Paderborn University.

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"When the quanta dance in the computer. A journey into the wonderful world of quantum computing" is the title of the public Science Talk organised by the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems, PhoQS for short, at Paderborn University on Monday, 7 October.

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The international conference ‘Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory’ took place here from 9 to 13 September. With high-calibre speakers, it attracted renowned mathematicians from all over the world, such as Maryna Viazovska and Efim Zelmanov, both winners of the Fields Medal.

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09.11.2024 - 09.11.2024

Pader­borner Math­ezirkel Tref­fen (On­line)

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30.11.2024 - 30.11.2024

Pa­der­­bor­n­er Ma­the­zir­kel Tref­fen (On­line)

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17.01.2025 - 19.01.2025

Uni­versität Pader­born beteiligt sich an An­ge­bot der „N­RW-Schreibakademie“ 17. – 19.01.2025

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25.01.2025 - 25.01.2025

Pa­der­­bor­n­er Ma­the­zir­kel Tref­fen (On­line)

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Re­search and teach­ing

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics combines three institutes with strong STEM disciplines and contributes with its research performance to all profile areas of the university. Thereby, the interdisciplinary networking within the faculty and with the research areas of the other four faculties of the University of Paderborn is our strength and guarantees a continuous development. Our successes become visible in top research projects such as the SFB 901 „On-The-Fly Computing", the TRR 318 „Constructing Explainability“, the TRR 142 „Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik“ and the TTRR 358 „Ganzzahlige Strukturen in Geometrie und Darstellungstheorie“. Many research institutions in which the faculty is significantly involved stand for excellence in research and transfer to industry. In addition to the HNI, the Fraunhofer IEM and the Fraunhofer ENAS/ASE, the KET, the PC2and the SICP should be mentioned as institutions that strengthen the structure. In addition, with the PhoQS and the JAII, new interdisciplinary institutions have been established with the participation of the faculty.
With modern courses of study, we train the next generation in electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics for tasks in industry and research. We are also significantly involved in the training of future STEM teachers. Many of our courses and degree programs are taught in English and are therefore also attractive to international students.
In accordance with the Humboldtian ideal of education, the strong research achievements flow into teaching and ensure education at the highest level.


In­ter­na­tion­al Fac­ulty

As a faculty, we are part of an international research community. Our departments consist of scientists with an international profile. The internationalization strategy of the faculty is also reflected by the English-language courses offered in the Master's programs Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Systems Engineering, Optoelectronics und Photonics. The offer in the English-language study programs is continuously expanded by new international cooperation and the foreign mobility of our students and staff is increased. English-speaking graduates are also integrated into this international research community at an early stage. The faculty can also convince with excellent results in international rankings.


Young sci­ent­ists

For our faculty, challenging support of young scientists is a central element for excellent research: young scientists are seen as an essential driver for new, innovative approaches in both basic and applied research. The faculty accompanies young scientists intensively from their entry into the doctoral program through the postdoctoral qualification phase to the completion of a junior professorship or junior research group leadership, thus ensuring optimal support on this career path.

Re­search and trans­fer

Electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics: three institutes with over sixty professorships - we are diverse and interdisciplinary. Our research is forward-looking, internationally successful and attractive for both recognized and prospective scientists. Here, scientists can carry out successful research projects, find cooperations with companies and other scientific institutions, and attend graduate colleges. The numerous opportunities to fully develop scientifically and in an international framework are close to our hearts for continuous innovative development.

Our research and thus the knowledge we generate is highly relevant - its communication to society and transfer into applicability therefore traditionally play a major role in our faculty. Institutionally, we cooperate with the economy through participations in IFIM, C-LAB, s-lab, SICP, PC2, khdm, KET and in the network through it‘s OWL, Fraunhofer ENAS/ASE and Fraunhofer IEM.

The fac­ulty in fig­ures

55 occupied professorships
Date: December 2022
12.83 million Third-party funds
Date: December 2022
764 Degrees
Date: December 2022
3005 Students
Date: December 2022

The dean

„Our faculty stands for high-caliber research, excellent teaching, and a strong connection to international and regional science and business.”

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klüners,
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

Our in­sti­tutes

Elec­tric­al en­gin­eer­ing and in­form­a­tion tech­no­logy

With its 19 professorships, the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology makes an important contribution to research at the University of Paderborn and, with over 750 students, in the training of future-oriented engineers.

Com­puter Sci­ence

The Institute of Computer Science, with its 29 professors and over 1100 students, stands for cutting-edge research at an international level and for highly qualified degree programs based on excellent supervision and a broad teaching base.


With more than 26 professorships, the Institute of Mathematics combines outstanding mathematical research with a strong focus on mathematics didactics and provides excellent support and individual mentoring for its more than 200 students and numerous student teachers.

Of­fers of the fac­ulty

Fac­ulty gradu­ation ce­re­mony 2024

Every year we say goodbye to our graduates at a ceremony. The awards for outstanding academic achievement and the Weierstraß Teaching Award are also presented at this ceremony.

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The student program MINT@UniPB offers high school classes and courses a diverse program for learning about STEM fields of study.

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Das Mentoring-Programm perspEktIveM der Fakultät EIM richtet sich speziell an Studentinnen der Fakultät, die Interesse an einer Arbeit in der Wissenschaft haben und sich über Rahmenbedingungen und Voraussetzungen für eine Promotion mit einer erfahrenen Wissenschaftlerin austauschen möchten.

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The NRW-Technikum is a program for career and study orientation. Schoolgirls can try out STEM studies at the University of Paderborn for 6 months.

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Sci­ence Day

You are a member of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics and are about to complete your PhD and feel like presenting your work to others? Trigger the "aha" effect and show others why your work will change the world.

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Institutes of the faculty regularly face national and international rankings with excellent results.

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Every year the faculty hosts the Weierstrass Lecture and the awarding of the Weierstrass Prize, named after Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897). Weierstrass ranks among the most important mathematicians of the 19th century. Among other things, he is considered the founder of modern analysis.

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