Wei­er­straß-Prize for ex­cel­lent teach­ing 2020

Laudatio for Professor Dr. Gitta Domik-Kienegger

Prof. Dr. Gitta Domik-Kienegger receives the Weierstrass-Prize 2020 for the excellent evaluation of her lecture "Interactive data visualization" and her seminars "Rendering Algorithms" and "Current topics on visualization". This is the second time she has received this award. What do we learn from Mrs. Domik in terms of good teaching? Let's just let the students speak: "Ms. Domik-Kienegger is an excellent professor who knows how a lecture should go."

"Exciting topic, well presented, suitable exercises."
"The professor is always very helpful during the exercise as she tries to help students individually" 
"Good structures, good explanations"
"Is there a problem?" - "There's no cake and cookies" 
Summary: "I would say that she is the best professor I had so far over the years of my studies".

Congratulations on the Weierstrass-Prize 2020 for excellent teaching in the category of lecturers.

Laudatio for Mrs. Charlene Weiß

Mrs. Charlene Weiß is awarded the Weierstraß-Prize 2020 for the first-class supervision of the exercises on Linear Algebra 1 and 2. Not only her preparation for the exercises, but also her interest in the learning success of the students, her motivation in teaching, as well as the atmosphere between her and the students, are rated very highly in the course reviews. She manages to strike a good balance between the students' independence and the teacher's explanations. Her exercises have a clear structure: they start with repetition, which always brings up a new aspect of the subject. Her didactic rhythm is praised: she manages to give solutions enough time and still make good progress.

One student describes it as follows: "She really does a great job and I look forward to every exercise".

The courses on linear algebra traditionally have a high selectivity within the mathematics program. The fact that Charlene Weiß has succeeded in getting such positive feedback in this event shows that we are dealing with an outstanding educator!

Congratulations to Charlene Weiß on the Weierstraß-Prize 2020 for excellent teaching in the category of exercise group instructors.