per­spEkt­Ive M - Ment­or­ing for fe­male stu­dents

  • Would you like to prepare for the transition to a Master's degree or doctorate and find the career path that suits you best?
  • Are you a female student from the 4th bachelor's semester onwards or studying for a master's degree in electrical engineering, computer science or mathematics?
  • Are you interested in scientific work and research and would like to learn more about a career as a scientist?
  • Are you committed and willing to invest an average of four hours a month in mentoring and regular meetings?

Then perspEktIve M is right for you!

The perspEktIve M mentoring programme of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is aimed specifically at female students of the faculty who are interested in working in science and would like to discuss the framework conditions and requirements for a doctorate with an experienced female scientist. perspEktIve M is a semester-long mentoring programme and runs for six months.

The application deadline for the upcoming cohort is January 12, 2024. 

The aim of the programme is to offer participants insights into academic work and everyday research at the faculty. In the programme, students can gain an insight into everyday life as a scientist and clarify individual questions about doctoral studies and working in science with a mentor. The mentors are academic staff from the three institutes. The students should learn from the mentors' experiences and expand their personal and professional skills and development opportunities. At the same time, they have the opportunity to acquire basic soft skills and to exchange ideas with other students.

Any interested female student from the 4th semester onwards from the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics and related STEM fields (also business informatics and economics) can take part. Registration and entry into the mentoring programme is possible at any time.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion on the ment­or­ing pairs

Mentees are female students of the Faculty EIM who are interested in a doctorate and would like to inform themselves and exchange ideas without obligation. Participation is open to female students from the 4th Bachelor's semester and Master's students who would like to think specifically about the transition to a Master's degree and/or the path after graduation: Is a doctorate something for me?  Do I enjoy scientific work? How can I apply? What prerequisites do I have to bring with me? etc.

The mentees bring with them the motivation to shape the conversations with the mentor independently and to contribute topics and questions.  At the same time, they are also interested in exchanging ideas with each other.

The mentors are academic staff members of the EIM faculty. Each mentee can propose a mentor who will then be asked for the task. The role as a mentor includes a preparatory meeting with the programme coordinator, two to three mentoring meetings with the mentee, and a short final meeting. The conversations are prepared and followed up by the mentee, so that no effort is required.

Benefit for the mentors: The mentors train their interviewing and counselling skills, which they can also use in other contexts. They reflect on their own career and become more aware of coping and problem-solving strategies.

Vorschaubild des Videos
Do you want to gain a doctorate? And you want learn more about everyday work at the university? The perspEktIve M mentoring program gives you the chance to do so! Watch the video to find out what the program has to offer. Don’t forget to apply after!
  • Download timetables

  • Application deadline for the upcoming cohort is Jan. 12, 2024.
  • Introductory event on 14.02,2024. 
  • Kick-off event on 28.02.2024.
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