EIM News

"Fu­ture Lunch - What ques­tions about the fu­ture are you ask­ing your­self for your STEM field?" - FiMINT Lunch on 17.04.2024

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

Roxana Carls (FGI) and Dr. Christina Lammer (perspEktIve M, mentoring program for female students of the EIM faculty) are pleased to invite you to the FiMINT meeting again. This time we would like to invite you to talk to each other about the future of the STEM fields. The event is therefore entitled: "Future Lunch - What questions about the future are you asking yourself for your STEM field?"  

FiMINT is a regular network meeting for all STEM women* at the University of Paderborn.  

The upcoming meeting will take place on 17.04.2024 between 12:00 and 13:30 in the Mensula, see attached flyer. We have reserved seats in the Mensula. (Please get your own food from the Mensa in advance).  

We would appreciate it if you would sign up for the meeting and forward the information to others who may be interested.  

Please register by 16.04.: go.upb.de/FiMINTmeetandeat  

Best regards and hope to see you on 16.04.2024,  

Roxana Carls and Christina Lammer