You belong to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics and are about to do your doctorate and feel like presenting your work to others? Trigger the "aha" effect and show others why your work will change the world.
Almost nothing works in the scientific community without networking. Cooperation will also be a central theme for you in your scientific career. You will notice that interesting and sometimes completely new fields of research are developing, especially in areas bordering on other disciplines.
How can you best benefit from each other? Through exchange - because maybe your counterpart is exactly the person who can help you with a challenge you're cutting your teeth on.
On 25 May 2022, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is daring to think outside the box with its Science Day - because you already know the people in the box anyway.
Listeners are welcome. Professors and postdocs excluded.
Contact for questions: 05251/60 22 26
Registration at by 20.05.2022
25.05.2022, 12:00 | Paderborn University | O 4. 267
Spend a nice afternoon with a little catering and the prospect of winning the €200 first prize.
Proceedings of the Science Day:
- 12.00
Welcome by the Managing Director of the Faculty Dr. Markus Holt.
- 12.15-13.30
Science Slam
- 13.30
Get-together with catering - 14.00
Award ceremony
Du hast 6 Minuten Zeit, deine Arbeit anderen zu präsentieren. Löse den Aha-Effekt aus und mache anderen klar, warum deine Arbeit die Welt bewegen wird.
Darfst du irgendetwas dafür benutzen?
Natürlich darfst du alles benutzen, was du möchtest, um deine Forschungsarbeit bestmöglich zu präsentieren.